Summer months are times of recess and reflection. Once our batteries have been recharged we can start with fresh ideas and develop them.

The agricultural industry in The Netherlands is under pressure and public opinion is not always positive about our sector. Society changes continuously and it is our duty to respond to the best of our ability. It seems like the number of vegetarians/non-meat eaters is growing. Although their number is certainly growing, in percentage points the increase is marginal. The total percentage of people that (practically) never eat meat has fluctuated around 4% for years (Vegetariërs Bond, 2018). The difference, however, is wider publicity, creating the impression that many more people are vegetarians. Consumers like a certain perception, which is why it is better for us to focus on the other 96% and present the world with a positive picture of our sector. Adversities become challenges and difficulties become opportunities. By our response to trends and our subsequent presentation we can try to influence the consumer’s mindset.

At the moment circular economy is a hot topic. Everyone is talking about it, while most people are unaware of the fact that the feed sector is one big circular economy. We could use this to our advantage in the media. A great opportunity for, among others, advocacy groups to highlight this continually in order to create a positive mindset from which the whole sector will benefit.

Dutch agriculture is a dynamic industry and there are plenty of opportunities for those who want to see them. In this edition you will find the latest E.F.S. developments and other interesting information.

Enjoy the newsletter.

Bert van Bremen