Four months of experience with an unusual situation.

We count ourselves lucky to be working in a sector that is less affected by the crisis than others. Obviously the measures affect everyone, developments are falling short of prognoses and drastic measures need to be imposed, but our business still continues.
The coronavirus crisis also provides opportunities and creates time for reflection. Overdue tasks are tackled and new communication options, like Teams, Zoom etc. are fully exploited. Some of these systems become permanent features, but others definitely lack direct contact and personal interaction. The occasional physical meeting, compliant with coronavirus restrictions, is held again, and it feels good.

At E.F.S. we look to the future, the first few trade fairs for 2021 have already been booked. No hesitation, but a proactive leap to the future, with plenty of opportunities and challenges ahead. In the next few months we will launch two new products that will definitely be of interest to our sector. Our new website and newsletter have been published and in the months ahead we will keep our contacts informed of our latest developments.

And finally: stay safe and keep looking ahead!

Bert van Bremen